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Elizabeth Lauren Counselling

Online and telephone Counsellor based in Bexleyheath

'Every feeling is welcome here'

The Importance of Self-Care

Prioritise Yourself by Embracing the Power of Self-Care

Repeat after me: Practising self-care doesn't make you selfish or self-centered! We often concentrate on becoming a better person and overlook the fact that we also deserve some love and attention. Our bodies tirelessly support us; isn't it only fair that we reciprocate?

Besides, in today's fast-paced world, taking the time to relax and refuel yourself is imperative. It's time to break the cycle of treating our bodies and minds like machines and show yourself the same love, care, and attention you generously shower on others!


The Three Categories of Self-Care

  • Emotional

Emotional self-care is taking care of your feelings and emotions positively. Just like you look after your body by eating healthy food and exercising, emotional self-care involves doing things that make your heart and mind feel good.

This could be talking to someone you trust about how you feel, writing in a journal to let your thoughts out, or doing something you enjoy. Taking care of your emotions can help you feel less stressed and happier overall.

  • Physical

Physical self-care involves looking after your body in ways that promote good health and well-being. It's about making choices that help your body feel strong and energized. This could include getting enough rest, finding an enjoyable exercise routine, and eating nourishing foods.

  • Spiritual

Spiritual self-care involves nurturing your inner self and connecting with the deeper aspects of life that bring you meaning and purpose. There are several ways to practice spiritual self-care, and they don't necessarily have to be religious.  A few examples could be practicing meditation, gratitude or finding a way to connect to nature. Being amongst trees is a personal favourite of mine!


Incorporating Self-Care in Your Daily Routine

No one can hand you out a checklist for self-care – it's a personal practice that's different for each individual. Some find solace in curling up with a book, applying a face mask, enjoying a relaxing bath, engaging in sport or chilling with a podcast.

While many recognize the importance of self-care, finding some "alone time" amid the constant demands of a busy schedule can be challenging. But here are some ideas to help you prioritise self-care:


  • Design a Self-Care Plan:

Make a list of things you like doing to take care of yourself. Decide how much time you want to give to each activity. Once you know the time you need, mark specific times in your weekly schedule for self-care and make sure you follow through with it!

  • Learn How to Say "No":

Here's another helpful hint: Try saying "no" more often to other things. Sometimes, our busy lives make us give too much of our time to others. Remember, it's alright to set boundaries and give weight to your own needs (and I hope you can keep at bay any unwarranted feelings of guilt that might try and sneak up on you!) I was a chronic people pleaser for years and fully understand the internal battle that can play out when setting boundaries…watch out for an upcoming blog on this soon!

  • Review and Update Your Schedule:

You might notice some things on your schedule that aren't absolutely necessary. If you come across tasks that you don't really have to do, consider using that extra time for self-care instead. It's a way to make room for things that make you feel good and relaxed.


Key Takeaway: You're in Charge of Your Self-Care, Nobody Else

If you think self-care is selfish, answer this: How can you help others if your own well-being is compromised? Engaging in self-care not only improves your relationship with yourself but also enhances your ability to extend kindness towards others. I’m always reminded of the instruction we’re given when on an aeroplane around the importance of applying our own oxygen mask before we tend to others and this exact same principle applies to daily life.

It's essential to ensure that our own cups are brimming before extending to others. Even though it might feel like there isn't enough time for self-care, you can actually find time for things that matter even if that means just starting small for now and building up. It's about figuring out how to include it in your schedule and giving it importance. So, please, start focusing on self-care today!


“One cannot give what he does not possess. To give love you must possess love. To love others, you must love yourself” – Leo Buscaglia


August 2023

© Elizabeth Lauren Counselling

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