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Elizabeth Lauren Counselling

Online and telephone Counsellor based in Bexleyheath

'Every feeling is welcome here'


Shame is a powerful and often complex feeling that we hold inside us when we believe we have done something wrong, something that maybe doesn’t align with our values. This can manifest in the belief that we are unworthy, flawed, inadequate and unlovable. My personal experience of shame was the gnawing knot in my stomach […]

Experiencing Disenfranchised Grief

What does Disenfranchised Grief mean? The term was first introduced in the 1980's and describes the type of grief/loss that isn’t acknowledged or recognised by society. It can also relate to the way a person is processing their grief. A common aspect is others viewing someone's grief as ‘less than’ or insignificant in some way. […]

Men and Mental Health

Early Stereotypes When I think back to my early childhood, I conjure up images of fairly stereotypical gender play of that era. I had dolls and tea sets, whereas my brother had Action Man and tons of Star Wars paraphernalia. He was dressed in trousers and shorts and my typical wear was dresses and skirts. […]

How Counselling can help

How can counselling help me? Life is not always simple or easy. It can be messy at times and every one of us will experience difficulties and challenges during our lives. We all need support when things are not going well because those difficult, painful and challenging times are inevitable. Counselling can be highly effective […]

The Importance of Self-Care

Prioritise Yourself by Embracing the Power of Self-Care Repeat after me: Practising self-care doesn't make you selfish or self-centered! We often concentrate on becoming a better person and overlook the fact that we also deserve some love and attention. Our bodies tirelessly support us; isn't it only fair that we reciprocate? Besides, in today's fast-paced […]

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