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Elizabeth Lauren Counselling

Online and telephone Counsellor based in Bexleyheath

'Every feeling is welcome here'

Online and Phone Counselling

What are the benefits?

I undertook specific training in 2022 to equip me with the expertise required for this way of working.

Client’s preferring to work with these platforms may experience the following benefits:

  • Convenience and flexibility – no requirement to necessarily leave home or travel. Sessions can also fit quite neatly around other life commitments e.g. childcare, work or caring responsibilities and with much less time pressure or constraints too.

  • Financial – less travelling will also mean no additional costs such as, public transport fees, car parking or traffic! Telephone and online sessions can sometimes be cheaper than face-to-face sessions.

  • Comfort – coming to counselling may feel very daunting in the beginning and this might be heightened when in a new and unfamiliar environment. Sessions being conducted in a space that feels comfortable to you and one that you have control over e.g. you may have a particular comfy chair or a blanket you like to sit under - can reduce some of the initial discomfort. Some clients may like to use sensory objects too, such as a stress ball.

'I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become'

Carl Jung

'The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change'

Carl Rogers

  • Location – remote sessions means there is much less geographical limitations and you are able to choose from a far wider range of counsellors.

  • Privacy – some people may be more comfortable with others not knowing they are in counselling, and this is easier to maintain when not attending practices in person.

  • Accessibility – on days when leaving home might feel challenging, or for people with disabilities or mobility difficulties, having remote sessions still allows for counselling to take place. There is often less waiting time too as opposed to face-to-face sessions.

Please always ensure that you are in space that is safe and private - somewhere you are able to talk openly without being overheard or interrupted. For additional privacy, you may like to use headphones.

Online sessions are conducted on Zoom. I understand that the use of technology may feel daunting so if you require support in downloading or navigating the platform, please let me know and I'll be happy to help.

As we will not be physically together, it is important that I hold GP/emergency contact details for you – this is to ensure I am able to seek assistance for you should you become unwell during a session. In the event that you are not able to provide these, then as part of my ethical responsibility, we may not be able to work together.

© Elizabeth Lauren Counselling

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